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Type: Posts; User: jmartocci; Keyword(s):

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  1. Thank you..

    I am looking into getting that access. I will keep you posted if this solves the problem..
  2. Where is that stuff located in my file system..


    Thank You
  3. I want to move some of the stuff on the top of the page in the Account & Contact Info section

    I replied with a link to my site and I think its getting blackballed or something.. I am trying to format the top most section where you collect the FirstName, Last etc I want to left align things,...
  4. I want to move some of the stuff on the top of the page in the Account & Contact Info section

    NSFW Warning.... on my page i want to format the section that reads Account & Contact Info section. I have the source code version and...
  5. How do I format the createaccount.aspx file

    I know where the crateaccount.aspx file is and opened it fine but how do I move things around so I can customize it how I want.

    Thank You
Results 1 to 5 of 5