Hi CrazyVraj!
We have continuously been working on a complete solution, built in .net where you don't need apache solr at all. Our solution can run under your current application pool or as a separate website.
We started this journey 7 years ago when we built a lucene search for AspDotNetStorefront for a hand full of our clients. Since then we have grown it far beyond that into an AspDotNetStorefront eCommerce search engine, with highly relevant search, facet navigation, rich autocomplete, spell correction, advanced sorting and more.
We worked very hard to take all the complexity out of what when and how to index, search, organize and return your data. It can run in a very low memory environment and still operate very quickly. Give it all the memory you can and our custom caching engine will use it.
In the end we feel we have something that is a much better compliment to asp.net and AspDotNetStorefront than Apache+Solr+Solr.net
If you would like us to set up a demo for you with your data we can do that in about an afternoon.
We've done some pretty cool thing with our search & navigation.
www.allshocks.com The drop downs and navigation is all powered by smart search. (thousands of products for 10's of thousands of vehicles)
www.discount-merchant.com This site has about 150,000 products and a thousand or so categories. It was fairly slow until we implemented smart search.
www.petsuppliesnow.com This site has about 30,000 products and is running on a dual core virtual server with 2 gigs of ram.
Please Search, Navigate, sort etc.. I would love to hear your feedback.
If you are interested we just set up a store a few months back to sell our solution. If interested I would like to offer a discount for those who tried to embark on the solr journey just to see what a mountain of work it is to get that solution up and running, as well as a way to say thank you to the AspDotNetStorefront community participants.
Discount code nosolr will get you 30% off.
MoCo eCommerce Smart Search for AspDotnetStorefront
Let me know what you think!
~John Morrison