Important Notice from AspDotNetStorefront
It is with dismay that we report that we have been forced, through the action of hackers, to shut off write-access to this forum. We are keen to leave the wealth of material available to you for research. We have opened a new forum from which our community of users can seek help, support and advice from us and from each other. To post a new question to our community, please visit:


Type: Posts; User: DotNetDevelopments; Keyword(s):

Search: Search took 0.15 seconds.

  1. Ah it is only if you are not logged in. Shame I...

    Ah it is only if you are not logged in. Shame I liked them :D (help is in a tab style along with the login box)

    Still odd thing with the search...
    Other than that its good!
  2. Google Chrome misses out on the fancy tabs top...

    Google Chrome misses out on the fancy tabs top right :(

    Still, happy to be upgraded!

    p.s. does the search only work for new threads? :o
Results 1 to 2 of 2