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Type: Posts; User: Rob; Keyword(s):

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  1. Replies

    Poll: The poll at top is not scientific either. As of...

    The poll at top is not scientific either. As of today, the latest stats i've seen indicate:

    FF: 46%
    IE: 31%
    Chrome: 10%
    Safari: 9%
    Other: 2%

    hopefully that adds up to 100
  2. Replies

    Poll: on the language switching, are you setting it in...

    on the language switching, are you setting it in one browser and then going to chrome? (cookies are browser specific)

    or are you in chrome the entire time and it's still not sticking?
  3. Replies

    Poll: Loaded it a few months back, no issues perceived...

    Loaded it a few months back, no issues perceived (good job Google) but don't use it on regular basis. Using FF for now. Good thread, other experiences welcome.
Results 1 to 3 of 3