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Type: Posts; User: seinarsson; Keyword(s):

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  1. Nope, adding the http doesn't work with either...

    Nope, adding the http doesn't work with either "url" or "NavigateUrl". "NavigateUrl" still doesn nothing when clicked.

    If I use "" with "url", I get the error...
  2. This is editing "". Trying to...

    This is editing "". Trying to get the Sections menu to point to an external link (using google in this example).

    <siteMapNode title="(!menu.Home!)" ...
  3. I'm trying to point a top menu to an external...

    I'm trying to point a top menu to an external link.

    If I update the url proptery of <siteMapNode>, it tries to append the url to the internal site, ie: "<root>/".

    If I update the...
Results 1 to 3 of 3