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Type: Posts; User: ASPDNSF Staff - Jon; Keyword(s):

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  1. Sticky: It's not optimal. You don't want your server to...

    It's not optimal. You don't want your server to generate a new set of keys while you have shoppers on your site. They will all receive "Invalid ViewState" errors, and have to start a new session...
  2. Sticky: Yes, every web application needs a unique set of...

    Yes, every web application needs a unique set of MachineKeys.
  3. Sticky: Never "delete", just "move" off the site in case...

    Never "delete", just "move" off the site in case you find out you need it. As far as language folders, I'm not sure.
  4. Sticky: @estore: There should be one line that looks...

    @estore: There should be one line that looks like this:
    <compilation debug="false" defaultLanguage="c#">

    If debug="true", ASPX debugging is enabled by inserting debugging symbols into the...
  5. Sticky: Absolutely! The output of an aspx page can be...

    Absolutely! The output of an aspx page can be compressed just like any other page. Markup, javascripts, and CSS can all be GZipped and cached by the server before being delivered.
  6. Sticky: Checklist of tasks before going Live

    Here are a dozen tasks you should consider before going "Live" with your website. These tasks will increase security and speed-up performance of your store.

    Enable HTTP Compression
    Optimize your...
Results 1 to 6 of 6