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Type: Posts; User: ASPAlfred; Keyword(s):

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  1. As long as the 'Admin Service Pack Upgrade Guide...

    As long as the 'Admin Service Pack Upgrade Guide' was properly followed, then you should be good.

    Usually, if you're getting an error on the 'About' page, the issue there is you do not have...
  2. data77: thanks so much for posting this here, we...

    data77: thanks so much for posting this here, we really appreciate it.

    We've discovered this error here too and updated the scripts internally. For others who might want it, please send a ticket...
  3. If the error was like 'Access Denied', you'll...

    If the error was like 'Access Denied', you'll have to add ASP.NET or NETWORK SERVICE account in the AddIns and Images folders with write/read/modify permissions.
Results 1 to 3 of 3