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Type: Posts; User: RobbieB; Keyword(s):

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  1. Thanks for the chimp guide I'm definitely...

    Thanks for the chimp guide I'm definitely interested in that. I did happen to find that other chart you linked so I'll be checking out icontact too.
  2. I setup our web server pop/smtp so i'm a familiar...

    I setup our web server pop/smtp so i'm a familiar with relaying. Most isps have a smtp send limit and block port 25 but right now my time is better spent when I'm not figuring out that kind of stuff...
  3. Email Marketing - need software/service suggestion

    We'd like to start sending out emails, either an advertisement or newsletter or combination of both. We've never done this before but I have demo'd a software download or two that are supposed to...
Results 1 to 3 of 3