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Type: Posts; User: Upscale_Automotive; Keyword(s):

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  1. Does Vortx have their solution ready yet?

    Does Vortx have their solution ready yet?
  2. Any news/updates on this?

    Any news/updates on this?
  3. Is it possible to 'throttle' the built-in...

    Is it possible to 'throttle' the built-in mail/newsletter function to only send xx number of e-mails per hour or something? This would hopefully eliminate the need for an outside mail server/host...
  4. Also, can someone clean up those spam posts? that...

    Also, can someone clean up those spam posts? that is pretty ridiculous :rolleyes:
  5. I have looked into mailer services and given up...

    I have looked into mailer services and given up so many times. I want to find a service that will use the native mailing manager built-in to ASPDNSF or vice-versa, but it seems to be a lost cause. I...
  6. Has anyone found a service with a 'plug-in' for...

    Has anyone found a service with a 'plug-in' for ASPDNSF besides the EMM posted above? Anyone successfully integrated MailChimp, Constant Contact, iContact, etc? The lack of simple integration is the...
Results 1 to 6 of 6